
• Water Conditioning Agent

• Drift Reduction Agent

• Deposition Aid

• Antifoaming Agent

• Does Not Contain AMS


Check-Point is an AMS free, dry water-soluble water conditioning agent formulated to significantly reduce antagonism from hard water minerals contained in spray water used for agricultural spray solutions.


Check-Point can be used with a wide range of crop control products including Dicamba, 2,4-D, glufosinate and glyphosate type herbicides to effectively condition spray water efficiently at low use rates.


Check-Point sequesters hard water minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium while imparting a neutral pH to the spray water.


Check-Point contains a drift reduction agent to minimize off-target drift. 


Use Rates

Standard Use Rate: 2 pounds per 100 gallons of spray solution


Refer to specimen label and safety data sheet for more information about this product.


Demo - Water Conditioning Adjuvants

Demo - Suppressing Off Target Spray Drift

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