
• Nonionic Surfactant

• For Use With Plant Growth Regulators


Regulaid is a nonionic spreader-activator for use in improving the effectiveness of foliar applied plant growth regulators or streptomycin applications. 


Regulaid provides superior wetting of the spray solution, uniform spray coverage and improved foliar penetration.


Use Rates

Apogee®, Thinex™, or Wilthin™: 1 to 2 pints per 100 gallons or 125 to 250 ml per 100 liters

Streptomycin: 1 to 2 pints per 100 gallons or 125 to 250 ml per 100 liters

Ethephon, Ethrel: 2 pints per 100 gallons or 250 ml per 100 liters

Maleic Hydrazide: 1 to 3 pints per 100 gallons or 250 to 375 ml per 100 liters

NAA or Amide Sprays: 2/3 pint per 100 gallons or 85 ml per 100 liters

NAA plus Carbaryl: 1/2 pint per 100 gallons or 65 ml per 100 liters

NAD: 1 pint per 100 gallons or 125 ml per 100 liters


Refer to specimen label and safety data sheet for more information about this product.


Demo - Testing For Surfactant Efficacy

Demo - Spray Droplet Surface Tension

Demo - Foam Control For Tank Mixes

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